Saturday, September 19, 2015

TS4 - Japanese Festival Set Part 1

All content and Textures


Japanese Festival Set Part 1 for The Sims 4

  • Include 24 objects in total:
  • Cash Register.
  • Yatai - [32 Textures]
  • Nobori - [+25 Textures]
  • Yatai Bulb Lamp.
  • Watagashi Machine - [3 Textures]
  • Deco Food - Ringoame - [6 Textures]
  • Deco Food - Cotton Candy Bag - [8 Textures]
  • Deco Food - Cotton Candy - [8 Textures]
  • Deco Food - Corn Dog - [2]
  • Deco Food - Frankfurt - [2]
  • Deco Food - Grilled Corn - [2]
  • Grill - [With Slots]
  • Takoyaki Grill - [2]
  • Kakigori Ice - [7 Textures]
  • Kakigori Juice Bottle - [6Textures]
  • Simplestudio404 - Kakigori Machine
  • Kakigori Straws
  • Kakigori Vessels
  • Yatai Food Base - [With Slots]
  • Kakigori Machine mesh and texture by Simplestudio404
  • The lamp of the yatai is a object apart. Just put in the correct position over the yatai.
  • For Buy the Bulb Yatai Lamp use this code: bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement.
  • Most the cc is in clutter. The rest is in floor lamps, sculptures and surfaces.
  • For can use all slots use the code: bb.moveobjects.
  • No reupload my downloads.
  • You can use my meshes and textures for create new custom content, and you no need ask. Just give me credit for my work.
  • You can’t post on other websites direct links to my downloads.
Download: [Package] Mediafire
Download: [Package] Baidu


  1. Hi. I am trying to download this set - the media fire link is deleted and I cannot download from the Baidu site :(

    Would you please fix it? Thank you! :) Suzanne

    1. For personal resons I deleted the adfly links but no the cc from mediafire. You can find all my cc for TS4 here:

      I'm still working on upload new links from all posts.

  2. I really enjoy the set , however I could not find the red table in game , is it include with the set or I have to download it else where ? Thank you

    1. Hi Mia. Is in the set, In surfaces/end tables.

  3. can i have the new link to download please? i really love this set

  4. Hi can you make this a whole like it's categorized as Park lot and there will be NPCs in each booth? it would be very fantastic! thank you
